Abdominal Therapy
Working with your body to enhance a natural state of balance and flow
What is Abdominal Therapy?
Abdominal Therapy is founded on an ancient Maya technique of a non-invasive, external abdominal massage. It stimulates circulation and blood flow within the abdominal area, supporting the body for optimal function of digestive and reproductive health and wellness. It is a therapy that can be applied throughout every stage of life.
Abdominal Therapy incorporates a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Only by treating the whole person on a physical, emotional and energetic level can true healing take place.
What to expect during a session:
• Comprehensive review of your past and present healthcare needs focusing on reproductive and digestive health
Upper and lower abdominal massage to help improve circulation to abdominal organs
Massage to back, sacrum and hips to further stimulate circulation to the organs of the abdomen
Instruction in Self Care massage which is done at home and helps to enhance your professional session.
Recommendations of complimentary modalities to support your health and wellness that may include: herbal pelvic steam baths, the application of castor oil packs and lifestyle education.
I will work with you to address your special needs and may suggest a course of treatments. Typically, 2 or 3 professional sessions are required to address most conditions. Some conditions will require further attention over a longer period of time.
Self Care massage at home is a vital aspect of the overall treatment that you will receive in your first session.
The unique aspect of Abdominal Therapy is that you learn how to massage your own abdomen, helping to sustain the good circulation and blood flow initiated by the treatment. Being taught how to massage your own abdomen is truly empowering. By doing your Self Care massage regularly you carry the treatment on long after you have left your appointment. You feel more in control of your wellbeing and you are physically and emotionally connected to the treatment process.
With each follow up appointment you have the opportunity to refresh your knowledge of the Self Care massage. The therapist will ensure you are doing the techniques correctly, discussing any concerns you have.
“Amy is a wonderful human and body worker. Her touch is really special, it’s light, yet it goes very deep. Whether it’s shiatsu or YAM, I’ve experienced being with Amy very healing. She is intuitive, a very good listener, and great at holding space for whatever arises whilst gently supporting and guiding me. There’s no judgement. All is welcome. I feel so blessed that our paths crossed and that I’ve been able to experience Amy‘s healing touch and be in her beautiful presence.”
“Amy’s intuitive touch is fiercely gentle-and strong- all at the same time. She knows what you need and there is a tender sweetness to her holding, which enabled me to feel safe. The abdominal massage was new to me and I found it beautiful - profound, homing. It is a deep practice that can remind us who we are. As women particularly, any care and holding in and around our belly can help us to be soft centred and strong spined in very challenging times!
I highly recommend a session with Amy.”
Where does Abdominal Therapy come from?
Arvigo Therapy® was formed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN, who is a naprapathic physician and master herbalist who has lived and studied with traditional healers in Central America for more than 30 years. She apprenticed with the renowned Maya Shaman Don Eljio Panti for 10 years until his passing in 1996 at the age of 103.
Dr. Arvigo learned traditional pregnancy care from Miss Hortence Robinson, a well-known herbal midwife in Belize. She combined her knowledge of anatomy, physiology and naprapathy (study of muscles, ligaments, connective tissues) with her extensive acquired background in traditional healing methods, and formulated the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®. Dr. Arvigo established the Arvigo Institute in 2000 and trains healthcare professionals worldwide. She is now a part of the Abdominal Therapy Collective.
You can find out more about Rosita’s amazing work here www.rositaarvigo.com
And more about Abdominal Therapy, courses and trainings here www.abdominaltherapycollective.com
Dr Rosita Arvigo with Don Elijio Panti
Initial session 120mins - £105 (this includes an in-depth case history, massage to abdomen and sacrum, and I’ll teach you the self care massage so you can continue your healing process at home)
Follow ups 90mins £70
Concession rates are available so please be in touch if money is an issue.
For further information please contact me here.